
Hui Yang, PhD, IISE Fellow
Director: Center for Health Organization Transformation
Professor: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Editor-in-Chief: IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering
Affiliate: Penn State Cancer Institute (PSCI), Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS), CIMP-3D
Office: Leonhard 221, Penn State, University Park | Tel: 814-865-7397

Research Interests: Sensor-based modeling and analysis of complex systems for process monitoring/control, system diagnostics/prognostics, quality improvement, and performance optimization, with special focus on nonlinear stochastic dynamics, and the resulting chaotic, recurrence, multifractal, self-organizing, long-range dependence behaviors:

Sensing systems, data analytics, and artificial intelligence
Network science, nonlinear dynamics, and chaos
Computer simulation, system dynamics, and optimization
Quality engineering and applied statistics
Smart manufacturing and industry 4.0
Smart health, healthcare informatics, signal processing

Biography: Dr. Hui Yang is a Fellow of IISE, a Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Biomedical Engineering at Penn State, and is affiliated with Penn State CIMP-3D, Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS). Currently, he serves as the director of NSF Center for Health Organization Transformation (CHOT). He is a recipient of the prestigious NSF CAREER award and Fulbright Award. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering at the University of South Florida from 2009-2015. Dr. Yang received BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, and the PhD degree in Industrial Engineering from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.

Dr. Yang has been a principal investigator on over $10.7 million of sponsored research with funding by National Science Foundation (including the prestigious NSF CAREER award), National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), MxD, Department of Energy (DOE) Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII), Lockheed Martin, IBM, GM, NSF Center for e-Design, Susan Koman Foundation, Highmark, Siemens Healthineers, Hershey Medical Center, NSF Center for Healthcare Organization Transformation, Fulbright Foundation, Institute for Computational and Data Sciences, James A. Harley Veterans Hospital, and Florida James and Esther King Biomedical research program. His research group received a number of best paper/poster awards from IEEE EMBC, IEEE CASE, IISE and INFORMS Conferences. Also, he has been invited as a keynote/plenary speaker for several international conferences in complex systems, quality science, nonlinear science, data analytics, and service science.

Dr. Yang’s research focus is sensor-based modeling and optimization of complex systems, with special emphasis on nonlinear stochastic dynamics, and the resulting chaotic, recurrence, multifractal, self-organizing behaviors. He holds 2 US patents and has authored 5 books, 11 book chapters, 2 editorials, 99 refereed journal articles, and 65 peer-reviewed conference articles. Several of his papers are among the most highly cited in their respective journals such as IISE Transactions. His research outcomes are highlighted in news media, and also selected as feature articles or cover articles by flagship journals (e.g., IISE transactions, IEEE transactions, Chaos, and Physiological Measurement). His books include “Healthcare Analytics: From Data to Knowledge to Healthcare Improvement”, Wiley 2016, “Smart Service Systems, Operations Management, and Analytics”, Springer 2019, and “Sensing, Modeling and Optimization of Cardiac Systems”, Springer 2023.

His research has been the basis for 15 PhD dissertations. Twelve of his PhD students joined academia as tenured or tenure-track faculty in the research-one university (1 received NSF CAREER award). Dr. Yang was named Harold and Inge Marcus Career Professor in 2015, Schreyer Distinguished Honors Faculty Fellow in 2020 at Penn State. Previously, he received the Outstanding Faculty Award in 2015 from the University of South Florida. Dr. Yang was awarded the Best Reviewer of the Year (2016) by the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, and was named in the SME’s list of 25 Leaders Transforming Manufacturing in 2022. Also, Dr. Yang has served in numerous leadership roles in international conferences sponsored by IISE, INFORMS and IEEE. He has organized multiple international workshops/conferences including INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Analytics 2014, IISE Annual Conference 2016, IEEE Workshop on Automation in Healthcare Delivery Systems 2017, INFORMS Conference on Service Science 2020.

Dr. Yang has served as the president (2017-2018) of IISE Data Analytics and Information Systems Society, the chair (2015-2016) of INFORMS Quality, Statistics and Reliability (QSR) society, and the program chair of 2016 IISE Annual Conference. He is also the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) for IISE Transactions Healthcare Systems Engineering, as well as an Associate Editor (AE) for IISE Transactions, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI), ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE), and an Associate Editor for the Proceedings of IEEE CASE, IEEE EMBC, and IEEE BHI. He is a professional member of IEEE, IEEE EMBS, INFORMS, IISE, ASQ, ASEE, SME, ASME, AAAS, Alpha Pi Mu, and American Heart Association (AHA).


- 10/2023, Featured research in the IISE Magazine: Virtual sensing networks help find Neo in the "Matrix".
- 09/2023, A factory Digital-Twin paper is published "Digital Twinning and Optimization of Manufacturing Process Flows".
- 08/2023, A heart Digital-Twin book is published "Sensing, Modeling and Optimization of Cardiac Systems".
- 07/2023, An INFORMS tutorial is published "Mining Nonlinear Dynamics in Operational Data for Process Improvement".
- 01/2023, A sensor Digital-Twin paper is published "Virtual Sensing Network for Statistical Process Monitoring".
- 08/2022, Dr. Yang received the 'Fulbright Award in Science, Technology and Innovation'.
- 06/2022, Dr. Yang named 'SME's list of 25 Leaders Transforming Manufacturing' by Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
- 05/2022, Rui Zhu, Dr. Aqlan and Dr. Yang win the best paper award in Work Systems, IISE Annual Conference 2022.
- 05/2022, Congratulations! Adam Meyers will join the University of Miami as an asistant professor, starting in Spring 2023.
- 04/2022, Haedong Kim wins Best Poster Award, NSF CHOT National IAB meeting, Louisville KY.
- 06/2021, Featured research in the PSU news - Six-sigma methods for additive manufacturing quality control.
- 05/2021, PSU news - Dr. Yang named international society fellow.
- 05/2021, Rui Zhu, Dr. Aqlan and Dr. Yang win the best paper award in Human Factors and Ergonomics, IISE Annual Conference 2021.
- 04/2021, Congratulations! Rui Zhu will join the University of Oklahoma as an asistant professor, starting in Fall 2021.
- 11/2020, A new research project is sponsored by Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII) to design and develop novel self-powered sensing and analytical methods for smart manufacturing.
- 10/2020, Featured research in the PSU news - New method enables automated protections for sensitive data.
- 10/2020, Featured research in the IISE Magazine - Detecting mental disorders with sensor-based virtual reality.
- 07/2020, A research project, in collaboration with Argolytics, is sponsored by Manufacturing PA Innovation Program to design and develop sensor-based statistical quality control methods for advanced manufacturing.
- 05/2020, Congratulations! Siqi Zhang and Runsang Liu will receive the NSF INTERN scholarship to augment their academic research with industrial training in Summer 2020 with the IoT and AI group at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.

Please click here for more news from Complex Systems Lab.



Omran Alomran Healthcare Systems Engineering


Hankang Lee Artificial Intelligence & Smart Manufacturing


Marta Ventura Operations Research & Healthcare Analytics


Timothy Kuo Smart Manufacturing & Data Science


Kevin Mekulu Artificial Intelligence & Health Informatics


Runsang Liu Smart Manufacturing & Engineering Design


For a full list of publications, please click the Research Gate Link or Google Scholar.
For research talks, please click the Presentations Slides Link.
For research software, please click the Software Toolbox Link.
For videos lectures and seminars, please visit the Youtube Channel.

Please see a few selected articles below.

[1] H. Yang, “Mining nonlinear dynamics in operational data for process improvement”, INFORMS TutORials in Operations Research, 109-132, 2023, DOI: 10.1287/educ.2023.0261
[2] H. Yang, S. Kumara, S. Bukkapatnam, and F. Tsung, “The internet of things for smart manufacturing – a review,” IISE Transactions, Vol. 51, No. 11, p1190-1216, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/24725854.2018.1555383
[3] H. Yang, C. Kan, A. Krall, and D. Finke, "Network modeling and Internet of Things for smart and connected health systems," IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering , Vol. 10, No. 3, p159-171, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/24725579.2020.1741738
[4] H. Yang, P. Rao, T. Simpson, Y. Lu, P. Witherell, A. Nassar, E. W. Reutzel, and S. Kumara, “Six-sigma quality management of additive manufacturing,” Proceedings of the IEEE , Vol. 109, No. 4, p347-376, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2020.3034519
[5] H. Yang and Y. Chen, “Heterogeneous recurrence monitoring and control of nonlinear stochastic processes,” Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol. 24, No. 1, p013138, 2014, DOI: 10.1063/1.4869306


Refree, IISE Transactions, IISE Transactions Healthcare Systems Engineering, Technometrics, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Annuals of Operation Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, INFORMS Journal on Service Science, Computer and Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Production Research, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Science, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Chaos, Physics Review, Biophysical Journal, Physical Letters, Medical Engineering and Physics, Computers in Biology and Medicine, IEEE Access, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Editor-in-Chief, IISE Transactions Healthcare Systems Engineering
Department Editor [Health Informatics], IISE Transactions Healthcare Systems Engineering
Associate Editor, IISE Transactions, IISE Transactions Healthcare Systems Engineering, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Quality Technology and Quality Management
Associate Editor, IEEE Conference Proceedings (CASE, EMBC, BHI/BSN)
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Manufacturing Systems
Guest Editor, IEEE Intelligent Systems
Guest Editor, Information Systems and e-Business Management
Program Chair, IISE Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, May 21-24, 2016
President, IISE Society of Data Analytics and Information Systems, 2017~2018
Chair, INFORMS Quality, Statistics and Reliability (QSR) section, 2015~2016
Council member, INFORMS Data Mining section, 2012~2014
Council member, INFORMS Quality, Statistics and Reliability (QSR) section, 2012~2014
Newsletter editor, INFORMS Quality, Statistics and Reliability (QSR) section, 2010~2012
Cluster Chair, Quality, Statistics and Reliability (QSR) section, 2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting
Cluster Chair, Artificial Intelligence (AI) section, 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting
Program Chair, 2012 INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health Informatics
Program Chair, 2014 INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Analytics
Member, American Heart Association (AHA), Institute for Industrial Engineers (IIE), American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), The Industrial Engineering Honor Society (Alpha Pi Mu), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Amecian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)


2022, Fulbright Award in Science, Technology and Innovation
2021, IISE Fellow Award
2020, Schreyer Distinguished Honors Faculty Fellow
2015, NSF CAREER Award
2015, Harold and Inge Marcus Career Professorship
2015, USF Outstanding Faculty Award
2015, IERC Best Paper Award, Computer and Information Systems, Nashville, Tennessee
2010, IERC Best Paper Award, Computer and Information Systems, Cancun, Mexico
2009, IERC Best Paper Award, Manufacturing and Design, Miami, FL

Advised Student Honors

2025, Xinghao Peng, Distinguished University Fellowship, Penn State
2024, Kevin Mekulu, NSF I-corps award, National Science Foundation
2024, Kevin Mekulu, Diefenderfer Fellowship, Penn State College of Engineering
2024, Kevin Mekulu, CMI Innovation Fellowship, Penn State College of Medicine
2023, Omran Alomran, Peter and Angela dal Pezzo Graduate fellowship, Penn State IME
2023, Kevin Mekulu, NSF Sponsored Travel Award, IISE Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada
2022, Rui Zhu, Best Paper Award, Work Systems, IISE Annual Conference 2022
2022, Haedong Kim, Best Poster Award, NSF CHOT National IAB meeting, Louisville KY
2021, Rui Zhu, Best Paper Award, Human factors and ergonomics, IISE Annual Conference 2021
2020, Runsang Liu, NSF INTERN Scholarship, IoT and AI group at IBM Research
2020, Siqi Zhang, NSF INTERN Scholarship, IoT and AI group at IBM Research
2019, Juan Gomez Lorente, Student Marshal and Schreyer Scholar, Penn State
2018, Bing Yao, NSF Sponsored Travel Award, ASME MSEC 2018, College Station, TX, June 18-22
2018, Bing Yao, Best Poster Award, The 1st Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems, April 11-14
2018, Daniel Stauffer (undergraduate REU), Best Poster Award, Service Enterprise Engineering poster competition
2017, Wenxin Tong (undergraduate REU), Erickson Discovery Grant
2017, Bing Yao, NSF Sponsored Travel Award, IEEE BHI Conference, Las Vegas, NV, March 4-7, 2018
2017, Bing Yao, Winner of Best Student Paper Competition, Health Systems, IISE Annual Conference, Pittsburg, PA
2017, Cheng-Bang Chen, Best Paper Award, Computer and Information Systems, IISE Annual Conference, Pittsburg, PA
2017, Bing Yao, Winner of graduate student research poster competition, Penn State IME
2016, Bing Yao, Finalist in INFORMS MIF student poster competition, INFORMS 2016
2016, Chen Kan, Finalist in the Best Student Paper competition, QCRE, ISERC 2016
2015, Yun Chen, Best Paper Award, IIE Annual Conference 2015, Nashville, Tennessee
2014, Yun Chen and Gang Liu, Best Student Paper Finalist, IEEE CASE 2014, Taibei, Taiwan
2014, Dongping Du and Chen Kan, Entrepreneurship Lead, NSF I-Corps Team
2014, Dongping Du, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, University of South Florida
2014, Dongping Du, Placed 1st in the CIEADH Doctoral Colloquium competition, IIE Annual Conference
2014, Chen Kan and Dongping Du, Placed 2nd in the IIE CIS Mobile App Competition, IIE Annual Conference
2014, Gang Liu, Best Student Paper Award, IIE Annual Conference 2014
2013, Yun Chen, Graduate Student Research Challenge Grant, University of South Florida
2012, Yun Chen, SRC student scholarship, ASA Spring Research Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
2011, Dongping Du, IBM Best Student Paper Award, IEEE EMBC 2011, Boston, MA

Thanks to Sponsors

National Science Foundation (NSF) ; National Institute of Health (NIH) ; MxD-The Digital Manufacturing and Cybersecurity Institute ; CESMII-The Smart Manufacturing Institute ; National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); NSF Center for e-Design; Lockheed Martin; General Motors; IBM; Susan G Koman Cancer Foundation; Highmark; Siemens Healthineers; NSF Center for Health Organization Transformation; Manufacturing PA Innovation Program; Applied Research Lab; Institute of Cyberscience; James A. Haley Veterans Hospital; Florida James and Esther King Biomedical research program


Complex Systems Monitoring, Modeling and Control Laboratory
The Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
310 Leonhard Building, University Park, PA 16802-4400
The Pennsylvania State University